1. Have a Strategic Plan – entering the New Year with a clear focus of what you want to achieve and where the business is headed is crucial. This will not only deliver results but avoid unnecessary stress and pressure from having not planned ahead.
2. Talk to your customers – ask them what you are doing right but also what you are doing wrong and what they would like done differently. This will assist you in better understanding your customer needs and fuel your ideas for product and service development to remain ahead of your competitors.
3. Promote a ‘Team’ Culture – by bringing your team together to reflect on the previous 12 months achievements and what goals you want to accomplish for the New Year. By involving the team you excite them about the business vision and recommit them to the long-term goals.
4. Market regularly and consistently – too often for small business marketing slips to the bottom of the to-do list in favour of more urgent tasks. By finding time to continue marketing and promotional activities your leads will be consistent throughout your quieter periods.
5. Learn something new – whether business related or not, this will both develop your skills and add a further interest to your life, which is important in achieving work life balance. You may meet new people, develop new business relationships or find inspiration for your next innovation.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for business success this year?
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