To maintain your eligibility for the Job Keeper subsidy the ATO requires you make the fortnightly $1,500 payments in the relevant fortnight. The next fortnight is between 27th April and 10th May, meaning you must have made gross payments totalling at least $1,500 to all eligible employees by this end date each fortnight.
The simplest way to check whether you have met your Job Keeper obligations on Xero is to go to Accounting —–> Reports. Then scroll down to the Payroll section and click “Payroll Employee Summary”.
Once you are on the Payroll Employee Summary page, you will need to change the dates to match the fortnight you need to make the payments. In this case, 27th April – 10th May.
As you can see in the demo, I have an employee who is under the $1,500 gross payments. I also have a 3rd employee who has received no payments this fortnight.
If you still have a payrun for this fortnight, make sure you gross up their pay to meet the minimum $1,500 gross payments. For Odette, we would need gross earning of $124.50, and for our unpaid employee we would need a minimum of $1,500 gross earnings.
If you have already processed all pay runs for the fortnight, or you process pay runs monthly, you will need to do an unscehduled pay run.
To do this, go to Payroll —-> Pay Employees and click Add Pay Run. Under select pay period, choose “unscheduled pay run”. Choose your payroll calendar and then make sure you select a pay period that ends in the fortnightly cycle.
Once you are at the pay run screen, select the employees that need to be grossed up and make the relevant adjustments.
You may also need to change the payment date to match when the payment will be made. This can be done on the top right of the pay run screen. Once you have reviewed your pay run, click post and make payment. Make sure you make the payment by 10th May for ‘Fortnight No 3’ to ensure you meet your Job Keeper obligations.
To check that you have met your obligations, go back to the “Payroll Employee Summary” page from the start of the guide and pull the same report.
Our employees have now been grossed up to meet the Job Keeper requirements.
Need more information or any assistance meeting your requirements? Please call us on 07 5451 1118 or drop us an email at
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